Fine Arts


Course Descriptions

MFA Core Courses (10 courses/30 units)

ART500 Art Analysis and Criticism (3 units)
This course explores the critical approach to the work of art in terms of form, content,
and expression. The course provides an in-depth discussion and investigation of how
an artist’s work is perceived as a public statement, and how one’s work exists in the
world. This is also an in-depth seminar course examines contemporary issues in the
visual arts, their relation to the Christian faith, and how they ultimately relate to the student’s own work.

ART 510 History and Philosophy of Art (3 units)
This class examines the development of movements and ideas in 20th century art and
artists. This class focuses on the history of modern and contemporary art. Starting in the
1880s with the advent of Modernism, the class investigates the movements and artists
active up to the late 1950s and Abstract Expressionism. The class also explores the
1960s with the development of Conceptualism and POP Art and proceeds to the present.

ART 520 Advanced Studies in Contemporary Art (3 units)
The class explores major trends in visual art since the end of the Modern era. It
examines the evolution of visual exploration and expression since the middle of the
twentieth century and the impact it has manifested on contemporary society worldwide.
This class is also designed to comprehend the context of contemporary trends and
consider the artists’ roles as image-maker in today’s globally connected world.

ART530 Integration: Theory and Practice (3 units)
This is a seminar class that explores student’s thinking regarding the relationship
between the life of art making and the personal development of faith issues. The
student learns to write a comprehensive artist’s statement reflecting both artistic issues
and faith concern. This course also allows students to articulate the philosophical basis
for their life’s work as artists with a spiritual understanding and how they plan to interact
with the contemporary art world.

ART 540 Graduate Studio (3 units)
This course focuses on art concerns and critiques stemming from each student’s work.
This course focuses on each individual student’s practice, specifically directed toward
aesthetic and technical issues arising out of their work. Students meet with several
individual instructors on an independent basis, as they have work or issues prepared for discussion.

ART 550 Independent Research Method (3 units)
This course provides instruction in research design and techniques, and gives students
experience in the research process. This course encourages and trains students to
write about art and faith through the development of critical writing skills that is essential to an artist’s career.

ART 560 Critical Issues in Art I (3 units)
This is an in-depth class that examines contemporary issues in the visual arts, their
relation to the Christian faith, and how they ultimately related to the student’s own work.

ART 570 Critical Issues in Art II (3 units)
This is an in-depth class that examines contemporary issues in the visual arts, their
relation to the Christian faith, and how they ultimately related to the student’s own work.
Topics may vary according to the faculty. This course provides a historical overview of
the relationship between art making, art viewing, and art writing within the appropriate
social and economic contexts. Theory is paired with art, showing how certain aspects of
a work of art are highlighted from particular theories.

ART 580 Independent Studio Practices (3 units)
This is an independent studio course that is a part of requirement course for MFA
program. Faculty is assigned to supervise the development of student work.

ART 590 Critical Practice and Writing (3 units)
This culminating seminar course allows students to articulate the philosophical basis for
their life’s work as artists with a spiritual understanding and how they plan to interact
with the contemporary art world. Exposes students to the complexity and diversity of
activities in the fine arts by inviting prominent artists and critics to the campus for studio
and seminar workshops in their practice, methods or medium.

MFA Elective Courses (8 courses/24 credits)

ART 600 Advanced Studio: Graduate Drawing (3 units)
This is a multi-level drawing studio emphasizing advanced concepts and processes
related to drawing. It is also designed to emphasize on contemporary art issues and individual directions.

ART 610 Advanced Studio: Video/Digital Art (3 units)
This is an advanced studio class that provides students with an in-depth study and
experimentation in various digital visualization theories, and processes used in the
visual arts. Its topics include but are not limited to integration of traditional design, color
and compositional principles with contemporary digital tools and emerging technologies.
It also includes demonstration and practice with digital illustration and painting, digital
photography and image manipulation, typography and page layout, digital animation and time-based media.

ART 620 Advanced Studio: Graduate Painting I (3 units)
This is multi-level painting studio emphasizing advanced concepts and process related
to oil and acrylic painting. This also emphasizes on contemporary art issues and
individual directions along with picture structure and interpretation of concepts, forms, and symbols in today’s art.

ART 630 Advanced Studio: Graduate Painting II (3 units)
This is the continuation of multi-level painting studio (ART 620) emphasizing advanced
concepts and process related to oil and acrylic painting. This also emphasizes on
contemporary art issues and individual directions along with picture structure and
interpretation of concepts, forms, and symbols in today’s art. (pre-requisite: ART 620)

ART 640 Advanced Studio: Illustration (3 units)
This class provides a critical and contextualized chronological survey of graphic design,
illustration, and advertising, and how these disciplines responded to and affected
political, cultural, and social changes. This course also explores wet and dry media
techniques and high-end rendering in the multiple uses of illustration. The class
duplicates client/artist interactions to prepare students for the environment in the
commercial arts field. Students are required to furnish art materials and tools.

ART 650 Advanced Studio: Photography (3 units)
This advanced-level studio course offers further study in the fine art of photography with
a continued emphasis on developing significant personal imagery. The course includes
study of current fine art photography, and creative and technical aspects of black and
white photography as well as alternative processes.

ART 660 Advanced Studio: Graphic Design (3 units)
This course explores graphic communication through the understanding of the elements
and principles of design; as well as, the design process, from idea development through
the final execution of a document. The class also explore the past, present, and future
of visual identity, branding, and systems design. The development of philosophical and
professional attitudes related to the role of the designer as interpreter of society dealing
with ethical issues is also emphasized.

ART 670 Graduate Gallery/Museum (3 units)
This course is an in-depth study of professional gallery design and preparation for the
exhibit. This class also focuses on the public dimension of the gallery or museum
operations to establish and maintain relevancy.

ART 680 Graduation Project: Exhibition Development and Presentation (3 units) -Capstone Course
This class help prepares student plan, publicize, and install their gradate exhibition.
Under the direction of the graduate art faculty, the student learns to develop their own
exhibition. This course focuses on exhibition design, execution, and documentation.

MFA Bible/Theology (2 courses/6 units):

THE511 Biblical Theology I (3 units)
This course examines the thematic and historical development of a particular doctrine.
Special emphasis on the given period on the author in the context of the entire scripture.

NT505 Life and Teaching of Christ (3 units)
A thorough overview of the life of Jesus Christ on earth, with special attention to the
developing emphasis and distinctive purposes that prevailed during Christ’ publica
ministry. The course also examines the historical setting of Jesus’ ministry and the special emphasis of each Gospel.

THE525 Contemporary Theology (3 units)
This course focuses on the study of Christian faith or theological thought as formulated
by contemporary theologians from various traditions, and to theology as one way the
church reflects critically on its tradition, identity, and message

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